• 3_Mahdi_Alt1
  • 1_092_IMG_1321
  • spielbrett



The players’ goal is to obtain as many animals and as much cash as possible. In the end, it will be seen whether this is best achieved by exploiting the lands or through considerate resource utilisation.


The players possess livestock herds, monetary resources, rangelands, and their own labour force which is expressed in action points. Not all pastures on the board are equally productive: fertile grasslands as well as barren steppes provide the dietary staples for the animals, and both are easily exhausted. Herd mobility is therefore vital.


Moreover, the players have various options for action so they can persist in the face of external adversities and prevail against the others. At the market, they may buy fodder, sell part of their livestock, or purchase additional animals. Development cards open up new options and alternative income sources. Or is it perhaps better to make a long-term investment and buy a truck which brings all the region’s pastures within easy reach?


The challenges faced by nomads are considerable. Year after year, they have to cope with different types of unexpected events. Recurrent external influences, whether local (drought, snow storms, illness, legislation) or global in nature (price increases in animal fodder), determine their scopes of action. Only those who are flexible enough will prevail in the world of NomadSed.